Pluto spends between 14 - 30 years transiting each of the 12 astrological houses. Due to this slow transit, entire generations are defined by this planet's position when they were born. Leading to established generational characteristics and traits. Today, we label them differently as Baby Boomers, Gen X, Gen Y, Gen Z, and Gen Alpha. There is some overlap between generational characteristics (Gen Y behaving like Gen X) to be considered as the planet moves forward and backward between houses, also known as a retrograde, before it moves directly into a single house for an extended period of time.
A reminder that Pluto is a planet that amplifies the personality traits of the sign that it is in. Pluto unearths the deep-seated qualities that lie within us and brings them to the forefront. This can be expressed as an ability to transform oneself or destroy it through negative actions.
Here is a brief summary of the generational characteristics of each Pluto transit from 1937 (Pluto in Leo) to 2022 (Pluto in Capricorn).
Pluto in Leo (Born between 1939 - 1957)
The Pluto in Leo generation is defined by their desire to always be in charge. This generation came of age post WW2 as institutions around them were transforming and a new global order was being established. Leo can be a very self-centered sign and the presence of Pluto takes this to an extreme. It's no surprise that many of our established systems were born during this time, and we are now in a battle to evolve them, with much resistance coming from this generation who feels somewhat still entitled to dictate the extent of these changes. They do make great leaders and find it challenging to cede power when they are called to do so.
Pluto in Virgo (Born between 1957 - 1972)
The Pluto in Virgo generation is obsessed with the details. This quintessential Virgo characteristic is amplified by Pluto's presence. They thrive in technical work that requires focus and the opportunity to attain perfection. It's no surprise that the foundations of our modern technological society were born as a result of this generation, think the invention of the internet and the systems that power most tech devices. The striving for perfection can come at a cost of stress when they encounter a world that is far messier than what this generation can handle. They will attempt to "fix it" but such attempts are futile in a world that is equal parts chaos and control.
Pluto in Libra (Born between 1972 - 1984)
Pluto amplifies Libra's desire for attaining balance and harmony in the world and ridding it of injustice. This generation will operate through diplomacy and expand their understanding of all sides before initiating their plan. However, their desire for harmony might be thwarted in a world that is constantly in flux and fuelled by hidden motives and glossed-over problems. Nevertheless, they will persist in their attempts to find a "fair deal". This generation also has a penchant for art and beauty, you will find them supporting or playing a leading role within the creative industries, this reinforces their need to bring balance and even healing to a world they know is rife with pain.
Pluto in Scorpio (Born between 1984 - 1995)
Pluto rules the sign of Scorpio and so you will find this generation to be quite intense in amplifying Scorpio qualities especially as it relates to the search for truth. Scorpians are extremely adept at detecting bullshit and are not afraid of calling it out and making others uncomfortable (especially Pluto in Leo). They are here to "take the gloves off" so to speak that Pluto in Libra had on, and are ready to fight for tangible change to the world around them. Trust is an important quality for scorpions and they find it difficult to give it in a world that has many hidden secrets they can so keenly sense. And so they will be the catalyst to dig for and unearth those secrets and give them well-deserved sunlight.
Pluto in Sagittarius (Born between 1995 - 2008)
Pluto amplifies Sagittarius's need for freedom to explore places, people, and perspectives. This generation is seeking their own truth about the world and not conforming to established beliefs. They are fuelled even more so to this end by learning from the Pluto in Scorpio generation's revelations about the world that is. There is a very high possibility this generation will invent new social structures, religions, and ways of being that are a break from the restrictive nature of archaic ways of being. But first, they need to rack up the air miles and experiences that will inform their new vision.
Pluto in Capricorn (Born between 2008 - 2024)
Pluto will amplify this generation's desire for structure and restraint. Coming off the heels of new visions brought forward by Pluto in Sagittarius, the Pluto in Capricorn generation will make these visions more tangible and available to all through their prowess for organization and their determination to achieve their goals. A wonderful story emerges between the last 3 generations, Pluto in Scorpio exposes and brings down the current systems, Pluto in Sagittarius will reimagine new systems, and Pluto in Capricorn will execute and establish.